This post provides data from the Maine Yearbooks or Maine Registers for the years 1871, 1876, 1879, 1881 and 1887. Through the four storyboards posted one can see the names of businesses and community leaders. The map of Carroll published in an Atlas of 1875 provides us with the names of the residents and the locations of their homes. The map also identifies the location of the trotting park.

1940 Census Data for Comparison to the names of families on the 1875 Map of Carroll.
1940 Census – Names by Page – Carroll Plantation, Maine
Heads of Households, Boarders, Related Family Members
(Note: Names under review for correct spelling)
Page 1:
Russell R. Osgood, Tillie Smith, Ralph E. Dickerson, Hiram E. Stevens, Vernon D. Clough, Orie KD Oliver, Fred M. Tolman, Lester H. Fenalson, David L. Hebb
Page 2:
Leslie Smith, Philip Bailey, Carroll Moores, John Maines, George O’Neill, Lewis A. Webb, Lyle J. Clough, Walter L. Black, Arthur, Russell, William H. McFarlin, Harold A. Lindsey, George R. Bishop
Page 3:
William F.D. Bishop, Ernest McLaughlin, Archie W. Sutherland, Stella M. Blanchard, Osgood Sutherland, Carl B. Noble, Clair D. King, Charles R.O. Bowker, Lillian Blanchard, Perch H. Smith
Page 4:
Ralph Thibodeau, Burke W. Lindsey, Leonie F. Thibodeau, Cloris Clark, Joe Clark, George H. Glidden, Carlton B. King, John W. Hall, Les E. Bowker, Frank Young
Page 5:
Lida A. Gray, Sybil McLaughlin, Elvena R. Goodwin, Henry Cole, Ivory McLaughlin, Fred E. Powell, Nolan Downes, Wilbur Springer, Niels G. Worster, Harland R. Moores
Page 6:
Harold M. Sawtelle, Gerald S. Moores, Charles E. Soverign, Victor Sovesingna, Fannie L. Merrill, Hiram G. Gardiner, Robert Hamilton, Chester M. Clough, Robert S. Moores, Royce A. Smith, Alvin H. Lindsey
Page 7:
Guy B. Lewis, Walter L. Danforth, Dwight P. Moores, Forrest E. Osgood, Alan Munson, Solomon McLaughlin, Leslie F. Sowereignes
Page 8:
Anna E. Cole, Levscar Cole, Estella Treadwell, Vinal M. Judkins, Edward G. Odgen
List of Ancestors identified on 1875 Atlas Map of Carroll, Maine
Residents: J.Gibbs, H. Judkins, O. Goodwin, Dr. P.C. Jones, W. Trask, G. Mayo, C. Richardson, G Cornforth G.B., J. Clay, C Drake, R.L. Gardner, R. Lyons, W. Bailey, C. Drake, W.C., S. Severance, Mrs. Larrabee, J.A. Larrabee, H.R. Bailey, A. Gates, H. Gates, H. Stevens, G.S. Hebbs, J.B. Bulcer, C.H. Rowe, S. Stark, A. Doble, M. Aldridge, J. Flanders, W.West, W.L. Abbott, F.C. Phillips, W.McKenney,B.S. Sh, T. Lowell, S. Damon, S. Chase Butterfield & Son, C. Brown, E. Brown, H. Brown, J. Gardner, J.T. Carr, J. Abbott, T.T. Muzzy, D. Ricker, C. Barker, H.R. McKenney, C. Munroe, J.H. Wallis, I.S. Sutherland, H. McKenney, S.M., J.S. Slough, D. Miller, H. McLaughlin, G. Sutherland, C. Noyce, S. Boyce, C. Oliver, G. Gates, P.O. (G. Curtis), H. Blanchard, Trotting Park, C. Lane, O.H. Lane, J. Lindsey, A.H. Lindsey, Z. Perry, W. Spencer, W. Perry, E. Spencer, Z. Bishop, D.W. Lindsey, C.M. Holmes, Hotel, G.Spencer, J.B. Trask, N.E. Muzzey, J. Cashman, Butterfield & Dennis, Gulliver, W. Danforth, C & F Danforth, J. Dicker, W. Oliver, G. Cochran, W. Lamb, E.H. Lamb, D. White, B. Lamb, O.L. Lindsley, J. Moody, Mrs. Moody, S.A. Oliver, S.H. Lothrop, A.M. Tolman, Gates Shingle Mill, W. Gardner., S.Ewings, A.King
Businesses: Gates Shingle Mill, C.M. Holmes Hotel, Butterfield & Dennis, C & F Danforth, Trotting Park, Post Office at the home of C. Curtis, Dr. P.C. Jones
Brooks: Trout Brook, Getchell Brook, Boyce Brook